• Course Number: 16:198:603
  • Course Type: Graduate
  • Semester 1: Summer
  • Credits: 3
  • Description:

    This course is to be used as a means for an individual student, or a small number of students, to work with a professor on a topic of their choosing. It can also be used for non-thesis research, or proto-research that may help students in selecting Ph.D. advisors.  All full-time Ph.D. students are required to register for an independent study course by at least their third semester of study.

    When registering for independent study as a PhD student use 16:198:601, 602, or 603  depending on semester offered. Select the unique section for the professor within that course. (This is done alphabetically by first initial of last name) Also, it is necessary to fill out a form, so that the department can keep track of which student is doing an independent study with which professor.  This form will be sent to you electronically once you are registered. It will be sent via Docusign.

    Note that the department does not impose any limitations on the number of independent study credits that can be applied toward a degree.


    With regard to the amount of 600 credits that a student can take, in the Ph.D program they can only take the difference up to 48 credits after they completed their required A's and B's.

    ᵅ Open Only to PhD Students

  • Expected Work: Usually independent study is offered for 3 credits, although other amounts can be arranged with the professor.