AlumniPositionYearSupervised byTitle
Malihe AlikhaniPh.D.2020Matthew StoneMultimodal Communication: Commonsense, Grounding, and Computation Abstract
Aleander ConwayPh.D.2020Martin Farach-ColtonUnderstanding Dictionaries at the Intersection of Theory and Practice
Zachary DanielsPh.D.2020Dimitris MetaxasExplanation-Driven Learning-Based Models for Visual Recognition Tasks
Guangyan HuPh.D.2020Thu D. NguyenDistributed Frameworks for Approximate Data Analytics
Tugba KulahciogluPh.D.2020Gerard de MeloComputational Approaches for Semantics-Aware Typographical Choices
Chaitanya MitashPh.D.2020Abdeslam BoulariasScalable, Physics-aware 6D Pose Estimation for Robot Manipulation
Cong ZhangPh.D.2020Rebecca WrightOrder-Revealing Encryption: New Constructions and Barriers
Benham Babagholami MohamadabadiPh.D.2020Vladimir PavlovicUnsupervised visual domain adaptation: a probabilistic approach
Liu LiuPh.D.2020Ulrich KremerTrading quality for resource consumption through approximation management
Chaowei TanPh.D.2020Dimitris MetaxasMachine learning based image segmentation for large-scale osteoarthritis analysis
Abhishek BhrushundiPh.D.2020Swastik KoppartyTowards understanding the approximation of Boolean functions by nonclassical polynomials
Shaoua DuanPh.D.2020Manish ParasharAddressing fault tolerance for staging based scientific workflows
Rahul ShomePh.D.2020Kostas BekrisThe problem of many: efficient multi-arm, multi-object task and motion planning with optimality guarantees
Zhihan FangPh.D.2020Desheng ZhangHuman mobility modeling based on heterogeneous urban sensing systems
Eduard Gibert RenartPh.D.2020Manish ParasharProgramming and managing data-driven applications between the edge and the cloud
Zakary LittlefieldPh.D.2020Kostas BekrisEfficient and asymptotically optimal kinodynamic motion planning
Ji ZhangPh.D.2020Ahmed ElgammalScene graph parsing and its application in cross-modal reasoning tasks
Aditya PotukuchiPh.D.2020Swastik KoppartyCombinatorial methods in algorithms and complexity theory
Ana P. CentenoPh.D.2019Richard P. MartinOptimizing Task Scheduling in Emergency Departments
Chintan DalalPh.D.2019Dimitris MetaxasHigh-Dimensional Manifold Geostatistics
Daeyoung KimPh.D.2019Vinod GanapathyRegulating Smart Devices in Restricted Spaces
Bo LiuPh.D.2019Dimitris MetaxasOptimization in Sparse Learning: from Convexity to Non-convexity
Hai PhamPh.D.2019Vladimir PavlovicLearning human facial performance: analysis and synthesis
Zi YanPh.D.2019Abhishek BhattacharjeeVirtual Memory for Next-Generation Tiered Memory Architectures
Han ZhangPh.D.2019Dimitris MetaxasGenerative adversarial networks for image synthesis
Chen CongPh.D.2019Naftaly MinskyBroad-Spectrum, Dependable, and Secure Protocol Enforcement Mechanism for Multi-Agent Systems
Dong YangPh.D.2019Dimitris MetaxasDeformable models and machine learning for large-scale cardiac MRI image analytics
Daniela ViannaPh.D.2019Amélie MarianSearching heterogeneous personal data
Adarsh YogaPh.D.2019Santosh NagarakatteParallelism-driven performance analysis techniques for task parallel programs
Ali Reza Zamani Zadeh NajariPh.D.2019Manish ParasharScheduling edge and in-transit computing resources for stream processing applications
Priya GovindanPh.D.2018Shan MuthukrishnanCore Structure and Influence in Social Networks
David MenendezPh.D.2018Santosh NagarakattePractical formal techniques and tools for developing LLVM's peephole optimizations
Xi PengPh.D.2018Dimitris MetaxasLearning Disentangled Representations in Deep Visual Analysis
Vilelmini KalampratsidouPh.D.2018Elizabeth TorresCo-adaptive multimodal interface guided by real-time multisensory stochastic feedback
Ioannis ManousakisPh.D.2018Thu D. NguyenResource Provisioning and Placement for Cost-efficient Datacenters
Jun HuPh.D.2018Ping LiCollaborative Ranking-based Recommender Systems
Qiong HuPh.D.2018Tomasz ImielinskiBoundless Data Analytics through Progressive Mining
Matthew MitsuiPh.D.2018Chirag ShahAdopting a Graphical Perspective in Interactive Information Retrieval Research
Guilherme Mota Cavalcanti A CoxPh.D.2018Abhishek BhattacharjeeImproving and Complementing Virtual Memory Using Hardware Techniques
Hai NguyenPh.D.2018Vinod GanapathyExploring Security Support for Cloud-based Applications
Jie ShenPh.D.2018Ping LiLearning from Structured Data: Algorithms, Theories, and Applications
John WiedenhoeftPh.D.2018Alexander SchliepDynamically compressed Bayesian hidden Markov models using Haar wavelets
Chaolun XiaPh.D.2018Shan MuthukrishnanPricing Problems in Online Markets
Erick ChastainPh.D.2017Eric AllenderThe Multiplicative Weight Updates method for Evolutionary Biology
Jongpil KimPh.D.2017Vladimir PavlovicDiscovering Visual Saliency for Image Analysis
Babak SalehPh.D.2017Ahmed ElgammalA Novel Framework for Understanding Atypical Images
Abdul BasitPh.D.2017William SteigerSome Applications of Algebraic Methods in Combinatorial Geometry
Amey BhangalePh.D.2017Swastik KoppartyProperty Testing, PCPs and CSPs
Mrinal KumarPh.D.2017Swastik KoppartyLower bounds for bounded depth arithmetic circuits
Daehan KwakPh.D.2017Badri NathSupporting route choice via real-time visual traffic information and counterfactual arrival times
Benjamin LundPh.D.2017Shubhangi SarafIncidences and extremal problems on finite point sets
Fengpeng YuanPh.D.2017Janne LindqvistPredicting Mobile Interruptibility
Andrew DobsonPh.D.2017Kostas BekrisCompact Representations for Efficient Robot Motion Planning with Formal Guarantees
Fatma B. DurakPh.D.2017David CashCryptanalytic study of property-preserving encryption
Athanasios KrontirisPh.D.2017Kostas BekrisHierarchical Frameworks for Efficient Prehensile Rearrangement with a Robotic Manipulator
Long LePh.D.2017Chirag ShahExtracting Users in Community Question-Answering in Particular Contexts
Jingjing LiuPh.D.2017Dimitris MetaxasExploiting Multispectral and Contextual Information to Improve Human Detection
Ruilin LiuPh.D.2017Badri NathCapturing and Analyzing Human Driving Behavior to Improve Road Travel Experience
Neil LutzPh.D.2017Rebecca WrightAlgorithmic Information, Fractal Geometry, and Distributed Dynamics
Qian SunPh.D.2017Manish ParasharStaging-Based Data Management for Extreme Scale Coupled Scientific Workflows
Meng-Tsung TsaiPh.D.2017Martin Farach-ColtonOn the Algorithmic Aspects of Turan's Theorem
Yan ZhuPh.D.2017Dimitris MetaxasTowards Active and Interactive Visual Learning
Tarek El-GaalyPh.D.2016Ahmed ElgammalA Joint Framework for Object Recognition: Categorization, Instance Recognition and Pose Estimation
Chathra HendahewaPh.D.2016Chirag ShahImplicit Search Feature Based Approach to Assist Users in Exploratory Search Tasks
Binh Q. PhamPh.D.2016Abhishek BhattacharjeeArchitectural Support for Efficient Virtual Memory on Big-Memory Systems
Mark DilsizianPh.D.2016Dimitris MetaxasHybrid Discriminative-Generative Methods and Applications for Human Pose Reconstruction from Monocular Imagery
Md E. HaquePh.D.2016Thu D. NguyenManaging Tail Latency in Interactive Services for Multicore Servers
Chetan TondePh.D.2016Ahmed ElgammalSupervised Feature Learning via Dependency Maximization
Rodrigo F. TosoPh.D.2016Casimir KulikowskiAdaptive Clustering with a Variance-Aware Criterion: An Alternative to k-Means
Amr BakryPh.D.2016Ahmed ElgammalLeveraging Image Manifolds for Visual Learning
Mohamed H. ElhoseinyPh.D.2016Ahmed ElgammalLanguage Guided Visual Perception
Faisal KhanPh.D.2016Casimir KulikowskiSemi-Supervised Transductive Regression for Survival Analysis in Medical Prognostics
Qiang MaPh.D.2016Shan MuthukrishnanModeling Users For Online Advertising
Minji WuPh.D.2016Amélie MarianCorroborating information from multiple sources
Zhennan YanPh.D.2016Dimitris MetaxasRobust Medical Image Recognition and Segmentation
Sejong YoonPh.D.2016Vladimir PavlovicGeneralized Distributed Learning Under Uncertainty for Camera Networks
Shakeel ButtPh.D.2015Vinod GanapathySelf-Service Cloud Computing
Scott KulpPh.D.2015Dimitris MetaxasVentricular Blood Flow Simulation and Analysis for Cardiovascular Diagnostics
Vukosi MarivatePh.D.2015Michael L. LittmanImproved Empirical Methods in Reinforcement-Learning Evaluation
Mustafa G. UzunbasPh.D.2015Dimitris MetaxasAutomatic and Interactive Segmentations Using Deformable and Graphical Models
Kevin SanikPh.D.2015Manish SinghThe relative effectiveness of line drawing algorithms at depicting 3D shape
Turgay SenletPh.D.2015Ahmed ElgammalVisual Localization, Semantic Video Segmentation and Labeling Using Satellite Maps
Lin ZhongPh.D.2015Dimitris MetaxasSingle Image deblurring with or without face prior and its applications
John-Austen FranciscoPh.D.2015Richard P. MartinA Novel Characterization of Signal Space Distortion and its Application to the Quantification of Localization Algorithm Error
Amruta GokhalePh.D.2015Vinod GanapathySimilarity Detection Techniques for Mobile Platform Artifacts
Rezwana KarimPh.D.2015Vinod GanapathyTechniques and Tools for Secure Web Browser Extension Development
Darja KrushevskajaPh.D.2015Shan MuthukrishnanObserving and Optimizing Online Ad Assignments
Cheng LiPh.D.2015Thu D. NguyenImproving and Tuning the Performance of Server Systems
Jason PerryPh.D.2015Rebecca WrightPutting Secure Computation to Work
Yixin XuPh.D.2015Mario SzegedyImpossibility Theorems and the Universal Algebraic Toolkit
Jinyun YanPh.D.2015Shan MuthukrishnanAnalyzing and modeling groups
Xiang YuPh.D.2015Dimitris MetaxasUnconstrained Face Landmark Localization: Algorithms and Applications
Yang YuPh.D.2015Dimitris MetaxasSparsity-based Methods for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction and Analysis
Peter BorosanPh.D.2014Andrew NealenAutomatic Meshing and Rigging for the Creation and Deformation of 3D Shapes
Ishani ChakrabortyPh.D.2014Ahmed ElgammalObject Category Recognition Through Visual-Semantic Context Networks
Ali El QurshPh.D.2014Ahmed ElgammalOnline Non-rigid Motion and Scene Layer Segmentation
Gayatree GanuPh.D.2014Amélie MarianUnderstanding Preferences and Similarities from User-Authored Text: Applications to Search and Recommendations
Brian ThompsonPh.D.2014Shan MuthukrishnanModels and Algorithms for Event-Driven Networks
Ariel WeinsteinPh.D.2014Michael L. LittmanLocal Planning for Continuous Markov Decision Processes
Qingyuan DengPh.D.2014#N/AActive Low-Power Modes for Main Memory
Sergiu GoschinPh.D.2014Michael L. LittmanStochastic Dilemmas: Foundations and Applications
Hans C. WoithePh.D.2014Ulrich KremerDesign and Implementation of an Energy Aware Programming Framework for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Mingchen GaoPh.D.2014Dimitris MetaxasCardiac Reconstruction and Analysis from High Resolution CT Images
Md P. MahmudPh.D.2014Alexander SchliepReduced Representations for Efficient Analysis of Genomic Data: From Microarray to High Throughput Sequencing
Robert MoorePh.D.2014Richard P. MartinOwl Platform: Design and Evaluation of a Practical Sensor System
Aleksandar NikolovPh.D.2014Shan MuthukrishnanNew Computational Aspects of Discrepancy Theory
Begumhan TurgutPh.D.2014Richard P. MartinAdvances In Instantaneous and Dynamic Localization In Indoor Environments
Rajat S. RoyPh.D.2014Alexander SchliepImproving genome assembly by identifying reliable sequencing data
Mudassir ShabbirPh.D.2014William SteigerSome Results in Computational and Combinatorial Geometry
Andrew TjangPh.D.2014Thu D. NguyenModel Based Validation for Improving Availability of Internet Services
Monica VromanPh.D.2014Michael L. LittmanMaximum Likelihood Inverse Reinforcement Learning
John R. YarosPh.D.2014Tomasz ImielinskiData Mining Perspectives on Equity Similarity Prediction
Kien T. LePh.D.2013#N/AManaging Energy Usage and Cost Through Load Distribution in Multi-Data-center Services
John AsmuthPh.D.2013Michael L. LittmanModel-based Bayesian reinforcement learning with generalized priors
Xinyi CuiPh.D.2013Dimitris MetaxasTowards Accurate Group Activity Analysis in Videos: Robust Saliency Detection and Effective Feature Modeling
Mohan DhawanPh.D.2013Vinod GanapathyRethinking Web Platform Extensibility
Luke B. FriedmanPh.D.2013Eric AllenderSome Applications of Randomness in Computational Complexity
Lu HanPh.D.2013Liviu IftodeSocial Caching and Vehicular Social Networks: Two Contributions to The Theory and Practice of Online Social Networks
Liu YangPh.D.2013Vinod GanapathyNew Pattern Matching Algorithms for Network Security Applications
Devendra DesaiPh.D.2013Mario SzegedyApproximability of Modularity Clustering and related results
Edinah K. GnangPh.D.2013Ahmed ElgammalComputational aspects of the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz method via a polynomial approach to matrix and hypermatrix algebra
Darakhshan J. MirPh.D.2013Rebecca WrightDifferential Privacy: The privacy-Utility Landscape
Shahriar Shariat TalkhoonchePh.D.2013Vladimir PavlovicRobust Time-Series Retrieval using Adaptive Segmental Alignment
Tam VuPh.D.2013Marco GruteserEnriching Communication Methods for Composable Mobile Systems
Michael WunderPh.D.2013Matthew StoneTransferable Strategic Meta-reasoning Models
Fei YangPh.D.2013Dimitris MetaxasFacial Expression Transfer by using 3D-Aware Expression Flow
Rekha BachwaniPh.D.2012#N/APreventing and Diagnosing Software Upgrade Failures
Nikolaos LeonardosPh.D.2012Michael SaksInformation theory methods in communication complexity
Nicholas MichaelPh.D.2012Dimitris MetaxasA Face Tracking System for Dynamic Event Recognition
Fengming WangPh.D.2012Eric AllenderOn Circuit Complexity Classes and Iterated Matrix Multiplication
Lei WangPh.D.2012Mario SzegedySome Problems On Discrete Geometry and Combinatorics
Luiz RamosPh.D.2012#N/AExploiting Phase-Change Technology in Server Memory Systems
Shaoting ZhangPh.D.2012Dimitris MetaxasTowards robust and effective shape prior modeling
Tin LamPh.D.2012Naftaly MinskyMaking SOA-Based Systems Coherent and Trustworthy
Saman ZarandioonPh.D.2012Danfeng YaoImproving the security and usability of cloud services with user-centric security models
Wei ZhengPh.D.2012#N/AExperiment-Based Management of Data Centers
Baiyang LiuPh.D.2012Casimir KulikowskiSelection-based Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation in Visual Tracking
Ali NouriPh.D.2011Michael L. LittmanEfficient model-based exploration in continuous state-space environments
Toufiq ParagPh.D.2011Ahmed ElgammalLabeling Hypergraph-structured Data using Markov Network
Jiankuan YePh.D.2011Casimir KulikowskiExperimental Study and Geometrical Analysis on a Linear Programming Support Vector Machine
Gayathri ChandrasekaranPh.D.2011Richard P. MartinDirect Inference of Location-related Context from Wireless Signal Strength
Imdadullah KhanPh.D.2011Endre SzemerediSpanning subgraphs in graphs and hypergraphs
Tracey LallPh.D.2011Matthew StoneJobPlan - A New Integrated Representation and Planner for Batch Job Workflow Automation
Pavel P. KuksaPh.D.2011Vladimir PavlovicScalable Kernel Methods and Algorithms for General Sequence Analysis
Rajat MittalPh.D.2011Mario SzegedyApplication of SDP to product rules and quantum query complexity
Steve SmaldonePh.D.2011Liviu IftodeImproving the Performance, Availability, and Security of Data Access for Opportunistic Mobile Computing
Xiaoxu WangPh.D.2011Dimitris MetaxasMeshless Deformable Models for LV Motion and Strain Computation from TMRI
Peng YangPh.D.2011Dimitris MetaxasFacial Expression Recognition and Expression Intensity Estimation
Smriti BhagatPh.D.2011Shan MuthukrishnanMasking and Labeling Problems in Social Network Data Management
Mangesh GuptePh.D.2011Michael SaksApplications of Algorithms to Social Networks, Secretary Problems and Differential Privacy
Junzhou HuangPh.D.2011Dimitris MetaxasStructured Sparsity: Theorems, Algorithms and Applications
Thang LePh.D.2011Casimir KulikowskiClustering by Graph Density Variation Analysis with Density-based Cluster Validity Indices
Pravin ShankarPh.D.2011Liviu IftodeImproving Performance, Privacy and Relevance of Location-based Services for Mobile Users
Marwan TorkiPh.D.2011Ahmed ElgammalLearning the manifolds of local features and their spatial arrangement
Wenxuan ZhangPh.D.2011Naftaly MinskyGovernance-Based Management of Open Distributed Systems
Bruno DufourPh.D.2010Barbara RyderPractical analysis of framework-intensive applications
Atul KanaujiaPh.D.2010Dimitris MetaxasConditional Models For 3D Human Pose Estimation
Qi WeiPh.D.2010Dinesh PaiBiomechanical Modeling and Simulation of Human Eye Movement
Jihui ZhaoPh.D.2010William SteigerPartitioning Problems in Discrete and Computational Geometry
Geetha JagannathanPh.D.2010Rebecca WrightData Privacy in Knowledge Discovery
Shu ChenPh.D.2010Wade TrappeProviding Trustworthiness to the Operation of Location Based Services in Mobile Networks
Carlos DiukPh.D.2010Michael L. LittmanAn Object-oriented Representation for Efficient Reinforcement Learning
Yuchi HuangPh.D.2010Dimitris MetaxasHypergraph Based Visual Object Categorization and Segmentation
Asif JamshedPh.D.2010Endre SzemerediEmbedding Spanning Subgraphs into Large Dense Graphs
Zhiguo LiPh.D.2010Dimitris MetaxasVideo-based Facial Expression Analysis
Xiaofeng MiPh.D.2010Douglas DeCarloRepresentation and Depiction of 2D Shapes using Parts
Fabio A. OliveiraPh.D.2010#N/ATowards Mistake-Aware Systems
Tom WalshPh.D.2010Michael L. LittmanEfficient Learning of Relational Models for Sequential Decision Making
Wei WangPh.D.2010Amélie MarianUnified Structure and Content Search for Personal Information Management Systems
Danny M. KaufmanPh.D.2009Dinesh PaiCoupled Principles for Computational Frictional Contact Mechanics
Lihong LiPh.D.2009Michael L. LittmanA Unifying Framework for Computational Reinforcement Learning Theory
Nikita LytkinPh.D.2009Casimir KulikowskiVariance-based Clustering Methods and Higher Order Data Transformations and Their Applications
Andre MadeiraPh.D.2009Shan MuthukrishnanPrivate Approximation and Streaming Protocols: Theory and Applications
Christopher PeeryPh.D.2009Thu D. NguyenWayfinder: A Federated Information Sharing and Management System
Zhipeng ZhaoPh.D.2009Ahmed ElgammalTowards a Local-Global Visual Feature-Based Framework for Recognition
Arati BaligaPh.D.2008Liviu IftodeAutomated Detection and Containment of Stealth Attacks on the Operating System Kernel
Su ChenPh.D.2008Shan MuthukrishnanData Compression in Dynamic Systems
David DeVaultPh.D.2008Matthew StoneContribution Tracking: Participating in Task-Oriented Dialogue under Uncertainty
Timothy EdmundsPh.D.2008Dinesh PaiImproving Interactive Multisensory Simulation and Rendering Through Focus On Perceptual Processes
Jerry HomPh.D.2008Ulrich KremerAn Execution Context Optimization Framework for Disk Energy
Pai-Hsi HuangPh.D.2008Vladimir PavlovicProtein Homology Detection with Sparse models
Rui HuangPh.D.2008Dimitris MetaxasGraphical Models for Object Segmentation
Mihail N. IonescuPh.D.2008Naftaly MinskyA Regulatory Architecture for a Digital Enterprise
Minyoung KimPh.D.2008Vladimir PavlovicDiscriminative Models and Dimensionality Reduction for Regression
Konstantinos KleisourisPh.D.2008Richard P. MartinImproving the Speed and Accuracy of Indoor Localization
Bethany R. LefflerPh.D.2008Michael L. LittmanPerception-Based Generalization in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
Kooksang MoonPh.D.2008Vladimir PavlovicCoupled Embedding Of Sequential Processes Using Gaussian Process Models
Vivek PathakPh.D.2008Liviu IftodeRobust Decentralized Authentication for Public Keys and Geographic Location
Brian K. RussellPh.D.2008Michael L. LittmanLearning-Based Route Management in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Cuneyt O. TuzelPh.D.2008Peter MeerLearning on Riemannian Manifolds for Interpretation of Visual Environments
Gang XuPh.D.2008Liviu IftodeTrusted Application Centric Ad Hoc Network
Bing BaiPh.D.2007Paul KantorFeature extraction and matching in content-based retrieval of functional Magnetic Resonance Images
Suhrid BalakrishnanPh.D.2007David Blei (Princeton University)Algorithms and Applications for Classifiers of Massive and Structured Data Problems
Aniruddha BohraPh.D.2007Liviu IftodeSystem Architectures Based on Functionality Offloading
Yingying ChenPh.D.2007Richard P. MartinSecuring Wireless Networks against Signal Attacks
Rohan FernandesPh.D.2007Martin Farach-ColtonAlgorithms and LP-Duality Based Lower Bounds in Ad-hoc Radio Networks
Chen FuPh.D.2007Barbara RyderImproving Software Reliability Using Exception Analysis of Object Oriented Programs
Taliver HeathPh.D.2007#N/AComponent-level Modeling of Power, Energy, and Temperature
Chunling HuPh.D.2007Daniel A. JimenezAn Infrastructure for Program Power Behavior Characterization and Optimization Evaluation
Yang HuangPh.D.2007Martin Farach-ColtonThe Galois lattice and its application in gene-expression analysis
Pandurang KamatPh.D.2007Wade TrappePrivacy in Emerging Wireless Networks
Chan-Su LeePh.D.2007Ahmed ElgammalModeling Human Motion Using Manifold Learning and Factorized Generative Models
Jon C MesterharmPh.D.2007Haym HirshImproving On-line Learning
Viorel MihalefPh.D.2007Dimitris MetaxasThe Marker Level Set method: applications to simulation of liquids
Nishkam RaviPh.D.2007Liviu IftodeBootstrapping Location-aware Personal Computing
Xiaoxia RenPh.D.2007Barbara RyderChange Impact Analysis for Java Programs and Applications
Peter RichterPh.D.2007Mario SzegedyQuantum walks and ground state problems
Irina RozenbaumPh.D.2007Shan MuthukrishnanFILTERING TECHNIQUES FOR DATA STREAMS
Constantin SerbanPh.D.2007Naftaly MinskyAdvances in Decentralized and Stateful Access Control
Vladislav ShkapenyukPh.D.2007Shan MuthukrishnanScalable and Robust Data Stream Processing
Alexander L StrehlPh.D.2007Michael LittmanProbably Approximately Correct (PAC) Exploration in Reinforcement Learning
Yihua WuPh.D.2007Shan MuthukrishnanStreaming Techniques for Statistical Modeling
Fancong ZengPh.D.2007Michael L. LittmanJust-in-time and Just-in-place Deadlock Resolution
Xiaomin ChenPh.D.2006Mario SzegedySome Problems in Discrete Geometry
Aynur DayanikPh.D.2006Craig Neville-ManningUsing Domain Knowledge for Text Mining
Eiman ElnahrawyPh.D.2006Richard MartinIndoor Localization Using Signal Strength
Dmitriy FradkinPh.D.2006Casimir KulikowskiWithin-Class and Unsupervised Clustering Improve Accuracy and Extract Local Structure for Supervised Classification
Xiaolei HuangPh.D.2006Dimitris MetaxasShape and Appearance Information Integration in Medical Image Analysis and Computer Vision
Ramana IsukapalliPh.D.2006Ahmed ElgammalLearning Effective Interpretation Policies
Jaewon KangPh.D.2006Badri NathCongestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
Xiaoyan LiPh.D.2006Richard MartinCharacterizing and Accommodating Spatial Aspects of Wireless Networks
Miguel MosteiroPh.D.2006Martin Farach-ColtonUpper and Lower Bounds in Radio Networks
Marcelo MydlarzPh.D.2006Endre SzemerediPacking Theorems in Graph Theory and Packing Integer Programs
Kiran NagarajaPh.D.2006Thu D. NguyenA Systematic Approach to Quantifying and Improving the Availability of Cluster-Based Internet Services
Yang NiPh.D.2006Ulrich KremerProgramming Ad-Hoc Networks
Sambuddha RoyPh.D.2006Eric AllenderComplexity Theoretic Aspects of Planar restrictions and Obliviousness
Akshay VashistPh.D.2006Casimir KulikowskiMultipartite Graph Clustering for Structured Clustering and Automating Ortholog Extraction
HwaSeob Joseph YunPh.D.2006Casimir KulikowskiConsistent Triplets in Graph Clustering for Protein Sequence Analysis
Rong ZhangPh.D.2006Dimitris MetaxasImage and Video Classification
Xuhui AoPh.D.2005Naftaly MinskyA Hierarchical Model for Distributed Access Control Policies
Budhaditya DebPh.D.2005Badri NathAlgorithms for Resource Utilization in Sensor Networks
Samir GoelPh.D.2005Tomasz ImielinskiEtiquettte Protocol for Ultra Low Power Operation in Energy Constrained Sensor Networks
Navin GoyalPh.D.2005Michael SaksInformation Theoretic Limitations on Computation
Yi JinPh.D.2005Bahman KalantariCombinatorics of Polynomial Root-Finding Algorithms
Yakov KeselmanPh.D.2005Sven DickinsonGeneric Model Abstraction from Examples
Gabriela Oana CulaPh.D.2005Kristin DanaBidirectional Imaging and Modeling of Real-World Textured Surfaces
Eduardo Souza De Albuquerque PinheiroPh.D.2005#N/AEnergy Conservation for Server Systems
Anthony SantellaPh.D.2005Doug DeCarloThe Art of Seeing: Visual Perception in Design and Evaluation of Non-Photorealistic Rendering
Ravi Venkata BatchuPh.D.2004Daniel JimenezTemporal Locality at Procedure Level-It's Study and Explolitation
Sudeep BhatnagarPh.D.2004Badri NathDistributed Admission Control in Core-Stateless Networks
Cristian Mihai BorceaPh.D.2004Liviu IftodeProgramming Outdoor Distributed Embedded Systems
Francisco Matias Cuenca-AcunaPh.D.2004Thu D. NguyenA Probabilistic Approach to Building Large Scale Federated Systems
Samir DattaPh.D.2004Eric AllenderBounded Depth Arithmetic Circuits
Bogdan DorohonceanuPh.D.2004Craig Neville-ManningInterface Heterogeneity and Group Interaction
Bogdan GeorgescuPh.D.2004Peter MeerInterpretation of the 3D Visual Environment from Uncalibrated Image Sequences
Takahiro MurataPh.D.2004Naftaly MinskyOn Regulating Open Distributed Systems
Dragos Stefan NiculescuPh.D.2004Badri NathForwarding and Positioning Problems in Ad Hoc Networks
Detlef RonnebergerPh.D.2004Eric AllenderPower from Random Strings
Florin SultanPh.D.2004Liviu IftodeSystem Support for Service Availability, Remote Healing and Fault Tolerance Using Lazy State Propagation
Samrat GangulyPh.D.2003Badri NathMobility Sensitive QoS Provisioning in Wireless cellular networks
Chung-Hsing HsuPh.D.2003Ulrich KremerCompiler-Directed Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling for CPU Power and Energy Reduction
Michal Kouck√ΩPh.D.2003Eric AllenderOn Traversal Sequences, Exploration Sequences, and Completeness of Kolmogorov Random Strings
Anna MilanovaPh.D.2003Barbara RyderPrecise and Practical Flow Analysis of Object-Oriented Software
Glenn Charles RhoadsPh.D.2003Vasek Chv√°talPlanar Tilings and the Search for an Aperiodic Prototile
Gary Mitchell WeissPh.D.2003Haym HirshLearning in the Presence of Rarity: The Effect of Small Disjuncts and Class Distribution on Classifier Learning
Matthew Richard ArnoldPh.D.2002Barbara RyderOnline Profiling and Feedback-Directed Optimization of Java
Chumki BasuPh.D.2002Haym HirshRecommendation as Classification and Recommendation as Matching: Two Information-Centered Approaches to Recommendation
Khaled M ElbassioniPh.D.2002Leonid KhachiyanIncremental Algorithms for Enumerating Extremal Solutions of Monotone Systems of Submodular inequalities and Their Applications
Sofus Attila MacskassyPh.D.2002Haym HirshNew Techniques in Intelligent Information Filtering
Sarah ZelikovitzPh.D.2002Haym HirshUsing Background Knowledge to Improve Text Classification
Amin Arshad AbdulghaniPh.D.2001Tomasz ImielinskiCubegrades-Generalization of association rules to mine large datasets
Sukmoon ChangPh.D.2001Casimir KulikowskiSketching Skeletons of Elongated Objects Using Scan Line Algorithm
Siu Ngan (Vicky) ChoiPh.D.2001Martin Farach-ColtonBarnacle: An Assembly Algorithm for Clone-based Sequences of Whole Genomes
Brian D DavisonPh.D.2001Haym HirshThe Design and Evaluation of Web Cache Prefetching Techniques
Srikrishna DivakaranPh.D.2001Michael SaksApproximation Algorithms for Problems in Scheduling with Set-Ups
Amr A ElmasryPh.D.2001Michael FredmanAdaptive Algorithms and Structures
Safiullah FaizullahPh.D.2001Saul LevyMeasuring and Pricing the Delivered QoS in QoS-enabled Internetworks
Clark Gregory HagertyPh.D.2001Casimir KulikowskiData Abstraction and analysis Using Qualitative Scaling
John IaconoPh.D.2001Michael FredmanDistribution Sensitive Data Structures
Ayman Ahmed KhalfalahPh.D.2001Endre SzemerediProblems in Additive and Computational Number Theory
Sachin Premsukh LodhaPh.D.2001Endre SzemerediOn-Line Algorithms and Fast Digital Identity Revocation
Julio Cesar NavasPh.D.2001Tomasz ImielinskiGeographic Routing in a Datagram Internetwork
Atanas Ivanov RountevPh.D.2001Barbara RyderDataflow Analysis of Software Fragments
Rahul T ShahPh.D.2001Martin Farach-ColtonUndiscretized Dynamic Programming and Ordinal Embeddings
Pradeep Sudhakar SudamePh.D.2001B. R. BadrinathTransformer Tunnels and their Application to Aggregation in IP Networks
Stefan Langerman F SwarzbergPh.D.2001William SteigerAlgorithms and Data Structures in Computational Geometry
Arunava BanerjeePh.D.2000Haym HirshThe Phase-Space Dynamics of Systems of Spiking Neurons
Ramkrishna ChatterjeePh.D.2000Barbara RyderModular Data-Flow Analysis Of Statically Typed Object-Oriented Programming Languages
Bela CsabaPh.D.2000Endre SzemerediFinding Spanning Subgraphs of Dense Graphs and some New Results on the k-server Problem
Gabriela HristescuPh.D.2000Martin Farach-ColtonCOFE: A Scalable Feature Extraction Method for Protein and other Complex Object Databases
Victoria UngureanuPh.D.2000Naftaly MinskyA Mechanism For Supporting Communication Policies In Distributed Systems
Philip Lewis BohannonPh.D.1999B. R. BadrinathFault Resilience In Main-Memory Databases:Handling Process Halting Failures And Data Corruption
Souripriya DasPh.D.1999Chitoor SrinivasanRestclk:A Communication Paradigm For Observation And Control Of Object Interaction
Adrian DumitrescuPh.D.1999William SteigerSeveral Problems In Combinatorial Geometry
Nathalie JapkowiczPh.D.1999Casimir KulikowskiConcept-Learning In The Absence Of Counter-Examples: An Autoassociation-Based Approach To Classification
David M LoewensternPh.D.1999Haym HirshSequence Classification Learning Using Methods Derived from Entropy Estimation
Ming OuyangPh.D.1999Vasek Chv√°talImplementations Of The DPLL Algorithm
Ali ShokoufandehPh.D.1999Endre SzemerediGraph Theoretical Methods In Object Recognition And Related Problems In Extremal Graph Theory
Anup Kumar TalukdarPh.D.1999B. R. BadrinathAn Architecture For Integrated Services In Mobile Networks
Girish Sharad WellingPh.D.1999B. R. BadrinathDesigning Adaptive Environment-Aware Applications For Mobile Computing
Dongsuk YukPh.D.1999Robust Speech Recognition Using Neural Networks & Hidden Markov Models
Jyh-Shiarn YurPh.D.1999Barbara RyderIncremental Analysis For Flow-And Context-Sensitive Data-Flow Problems
Sarmad AbbasiPh.D.1998Endre SzemerediSpanning Subgraphs Of Dense Graphs and a Combinatorial Problem on Strings
John L BresinaPh.D.1998Saul AmarelStochastic Heuristic Search and Evaluation Methods for Constrained Optimization
Daniel KudenkoPh.D.1998Haym HirshFeature Generation for Sequence Categorization
Vincenzo LiberatorePh.D.1998Martin Farach-ColtonEfficient Replacement Strategies in the Memory Hierarchy
Khaled Mohamed RasheedPh.D.1998Haym HirshGADO: A Genetic Algorithm for Continuous Design Optimization
Aashu VirmaniPh.D.1998Tomasz ImielinskiSecond Generation Data Mining: Concepts and Implementation
Xiang-Xiang Sean ZhangPh.D.1998Barbara RyderPractical Pointer Aliasing Analysis
Csaba CsabaPh.D.1997Casimir KulikowskiProblems in Learning and in Extremal Graph Theory
Vipul KashyapPh.D.1997Haym HirshInformation Brokering Over Heterogeneous Digital Data: A Metadata-Based Approach
Junbiao ZhangPh.D.1997Naftaly MinskyOptimal Buffering Algorithms for Client-Server VBR Video Retrieval
Ajay BakrePh.D.1996B. R. BadrinathDesign and Implementation of Indirect Protocols for Mobile Wireless Environments
Mike BarleyPh.D.1996Louis SteinbergModel-Based Refinement of Search Biases
Valerie BarrPh.D.1996Casimir KulikowskiApplications of Rule-Base Coverage Measures to Expert System Evaluation
Valerie BarrPh.D.1996Casimir KulikowskiAplications of Rule-Base Coverage Measures to Expert System Evaluation.
Tim CooleyPh.D.1996Evangelia Micheli-TzanakouAn Automated System for the Classification of Mammograms
Jia JiaoPh.D.1996Apostolos GerasoulisSoftware Support for Parallel Processing of Irregular and Dynamic Computations
John KeanePh.D.1996Tom EllmanKnowledge-Based Management of Legacy Codes for Automated Design
Deborah McGuinnessPh.D.1996Alex BorgidaExplaining Reasoning in Description Logics
Deborah McGuinnessPh.D.1996Alex BorgidaExplaining Reasoning in Description Logics.
Partha PalPh.D.1996Naftaly MinskyDarwin-E: An Environment for Imposing Regularities on Object-Oriented Software
Hemant PandePh.D.1996Barbara RyderCompile Time Analysis of C and C++ Systems
Mark SchwabacherPh.D.1996Tom EllmanThe Use of Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Numerical Optimization of Complex Engineering Designs
Leon ShklarPh.D.1996L. Thorne McCartyWeb Access to Heterogeneous Information: Methods and Applications
Hui-Yu WangPh.D.1996Vasek Chv√°talWhich Claw-Free Graphs Are Strongly Perfect?
Ke-Thia YaoPh.D.1996Andrew GelseyIntelligent Automated Grid Generation for Numerical Simulations
Ke-Thia YaoPh.D.1996A GelseyIntelligent Automated Grid Generation for Numerical Simulations
Shiyu ZhouPh.D.1996Michael SaksReducing Randomness in Computation via Explicit Constructions
Arup AcharyaPh.D.1995B. R. BadrinathStructuring Distributed Algorithms and Services in Networks with Mobile Hosts
Sui Ringo LingPh.D.1995Louis SteinbergAutomated Modeling of Distributed and Lumped Phenomena in Heat Transfer
Elefterios MelissaratosPh.D.1995Gerard RichterMesh Generation and Geometric Optimization
Sunil MohanPh.D.1995Tom EllmanTwo Approaches to the Hierarchical Solution of Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Steven W NortonPh.D.1995Haym HirshExploiting Knowledge of Uncertainty: Induction of Classifiers by the Incremental Combination of Probabilistic Evidence
Vidyadar PhalkePh.D.1995B. GopinathModeling and Managing Program References in a Memory Hierarchy
S ViswanathanPh.D.1995Publishing in Wireless and Wireline Environments
Kerstin VoigtPh.D.1995Chris TongAutomating Software Design for Resource Assignment Problems
Dawn CohenPh.D.1994Casimir KulikowskiKnowledge-Based Generation of Machine Learning Experiments
Prem DevanbuPh.D.1994Alex BorgidaSoftware Information Systems.
Premkumar DevanbuPh.D.1994Alex BorgidaSoftware Information Systems
Vipul GuptaPh.D.1994Miles MurdoccaMapping Techniques and Performance Analysis for an Interconnection Cached Multiprocessor Network
John Storrs HallPh.D.1994Saul LevyAssociative Processing: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications
Kyungsook HanPh.D.1994Andrew GelseyCompositional Modeling for Spatial Problems
Suman KanjilalPh.D.1994Miles MurdoccaSynthesis for Testability Using Test Functions
Chun Wai LiewPh.D.1994Louis SteinbergFeedback Directed Optimization
Gabor N SarkozyPh.D.1994Endre SzemerediFinding Trees & Cycles In Graphs: Existence Theorems and Fast Parallel Algorithms
Ileana StreinuPh.D.1994William SteigerSome Positive and Negative Results in Computational Geometry
Ileana StreinuPh.D.1994William SteigerSome Positive and Negative Results in Computational Geometry.
Sizheng WeiPh.D.1994Saul LevyEfficient Hierarchical Interconnection Networks for Large Parallel Systems
Diane ZimmermanPh.D.1994Casimir KulikowskiAn Extended CSP Architecture for the Sequential Assignment Problem in the Interpretation of Protein Nuclear Magnetic Resonance D
Iliana Bjorling-SachsPh.D.1993Diane L. SouvaineVariations of the Art Gallery Theorem
Vivek GorePh.D.1993Eric AllenderLower Bounds for Uniform Constant Depth Circuits
Celina ImielinskaPh.D.1993Bahman KalantariA General Class of Heuristics for Constrained Forest and Cycle Problems
David LubinskyPh.D.1993Sholom WeissBivariate Splits and Consistent Split Criteria in Dichotomous Classification Trees
Stacy MarsellaPh.D.1993Charles F. SchmidtPlanning Under the Restriction of Hierarchical Partial Orders
Stephen P MasticolaPh.D.1993Barbara RyderStatic Detection of Deadlocks in Polynomial Time
Lorien Y PrattPh.D.1993Jack MostowTransferring Previously Learned Back-Propagation Neural Networks to New Learning Tasks
Hava SiegelmanPh.D.1993Eduardo SontagFoundations of Recurrent Neural Networks
Seshadri VenugopalPh.D.1993Gerard RichterParallelizing Unstructured Sparse Computations on Large-Scale Multiprocessors
Tao YangPh.D.1993Apostolos GerasoulisScheduling and Code Generation for Parallel Architectures.
Tao YangPh.D.1993Apostolos GerasoulisScheduling and Code Generation for Parallel Architectures
Arthur M BermanPh.D.1992Marvin PaullLower and Upper Bounds for Incremental Algorithms
Neeraj BhatnagarPh.D.1992Jack MostowOn-Line Learning from Search Failures
Anthony BonnerPh.D.1992Tomasz ImielinskiHypothetical Reasoning in Deductive Databases
Wesley BraudawayPh.D.1992Chris TongKnowledge Compilation for Incorporating Constraints
Leiguang GongPh.D.1992Casimir KulikowskiComposition of Image Analysis Processes through Object-Centered Hierarchical Planning
William LandiPh.D.1992Barbara RyderInterprocedural Aliasing in the Presence of Pointers
Yong-Fong LeePh.D.1992Barbara RyderPerforming Data Flow Analysis in Parallel
Chi-yuan LoPh.D.1992William SteigerHam-Sandwich Cuts and Related Problems
Ronald van der MeydenPh.D.1992L. Thorne McCartyThe Complexity of Querying Indefinite Information: Defined Relations, Recursion and Linear Order
Marian Gunsher SackrowitzPh.D.1992Joan LucasEfficient Parallel Algorithms for Directed Graph Problems
Kumar VadapartyPh.D.1992Tomasz ImielinskiQuerying Databases with Non-Deterministic Information
Shiva P ChaudhuriPh.D.1991Ravi BoppanaLower bounds in parallel computation
Marie-Therese DaulardPh.D.1991Marvin PaullIncremental Routing Algorithms in Multistage Multiprocessor Networks
Magnus HalldorssonPh.D.1991Ravi BoppanaFrugal Methods for the Independent Set and Graph Coloring Problems
Nitin IndurkhyaPh.D.1991Sholom WeissMonte-Carlo Simulation-Based Evaluation and Refinement of Rule-Based Systems
Jaikumar RadakrishnanPh.D.1991Endre SzemerediGraph Entropy and formula complexity.
Jaikumar RadhakrishnanPh.D.1991Endre SzemerediGraph Entropy and Formula Complexity
Patricia RiddlePh.D.1991Saul AmarelAutomatic Shifts of Problem Representation
Kathy Hamilton AbbottPh.D.1990Louis SteinbergRobust Fault Diagnosis of Physical Systems in Operation
Srimat ChakradharPh.D.1990Apostolos GerasoulisNeural Network Models and Optimization Methods for Digital Testing
Jan ChomickiPh.D.1990Tomasz ImielinskiFunctional Deductive Databases: Query Processing in the Presence of Limited Function Symbol
William CohenPh.D.1990Alex BorgidaConcept Learning Using Explanation Based Generalization as an Abstraction Mechanism
William W CohenPh.D.1990Alex BorgidaConcept Learning Using Explanation Based Generalization as an Abstraction Mechanism
Ioannis KapouleasPh.D.1990Sholom WeissModel Based Interpretation of Magnetic Resonance Human Brain Scans
Sridhar MahadevanPh.D.1990Tom MitchellAn Apprentice-Based Approach to Learning Problem-Solving Knowledge.
Sridhar MahadevanPh.D.1990Tom MitchellAn Apprentice-Based Approach to Learning Problem-Solving Knowledge
Armand PrieditisPh.D.1990Jack MostowDiscovering Effective Admissible Heuristics by Abstraction and Speedup: A Transformational Approach
Cullen SchafferPh.D.1990Casimir KulikowskiDomain-Independent Scientific Function Finding
Michael SimsPh.D.1990Saul AmarelIL:An AI Approach to Theory Formation in Mathematics
Liping SunPh.D.1990Vasek Chv√°talTwo New Classes of Perfect Graphs
Prasad TadepalliPh.D.1990Tom MitchellTractable Learning and Planning in Games.
Prasad TadepalliPh.D.1990Tom MitchellTractable Learning and Planning in Games
Rajesh DubePh.D.1989Sholom WeissA State Transition Model for Rule-Based Expert Systems
Friedrich HengleinPh.D.1989Robert PaigePolymorphic Type Inference and Semi-Unification
Thomas J MarlowePh.D.1989Barbara RyderData Flow Analysis and Incremental Iteration
Miles J MurdoccaPh.D.1989Saul LevyTheory and Applications of Free-Space Digital Optical Computing
Israel NelkenPh.D.1989Apostolos GerasoulisParallelization for MIMD Multiprocessors with Applications to Linear Algebra Algorithms
Martin D CarrollPh.D.1988Barbara RyderData Flow Update via Dominator and Attribute Updates
Arding HsuPh.D.1988Tomasz ImielinskiIntegrity Checking and View Maintenance for Multiple Updates
Smadar Tova Kedar-CabelliPh.D.1988Tom MitchellFormulating Concepts and Analogies According to Purpose
Jiazhen CaiPh.D.1987Robert PaigeFixed Point Computation and Transformational Programming
Richard Michael KellerPh.D.1987Tom MitchellThe Role of Explicit Contextual Knowledge in Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
Donna Jo NagelPh.D.1987N. S. SridharanLearning Concepts with a Prototype-Based Model for Concept Representation
Jeffrey S SalowePh.D.1987William SteigerSelection Problems in Computational Geometry
Von-Wun SooPh.D.1987Casimir KulikowskiA Qualitative Matching Scheme for Postulating Enzyme Kinetic Models and Experimental Conditions: Reasoning with Constraints
Allen GinsbergPh.D.1986Sholom WeissRefinement of Expert System Knowledge Bases: A Metalinguistic Framework for Heuristic Analysis
Bernard NadelPh.D.1986William SteigerThe Consistent Labeling Problem and Its Algorithms: Towards Exact-Case Complexities and Theory-Based Heuristics
Van E KellyPh.D.1985Louis SteinbergThe CRITTER System: An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Digital Circuit Design Critiquing
Richard M KingPh.D.1985William SteigerKnowledge-Based Transformational Synthesis of Efficient Structures for Concurrent Computation
Richard PouloPh.D.1985Casimir KulikowskiThree Dimensional Recognition from Depth Images by Detailed Surface Encoding
Chidanand V AptéPh.D.1984Sholom WeissOn Encoding Functional and Schematic Descriptions of Complex Systems
Heiner BieselPh.D.1984On Encoding Functional and Schematic Descriptions of Complex Systems
Frank Michael HawrusikPh.D.1984Ann YasuharaAn Extension of the Pebble Game for LISP-Like Programs
Paul UtgoffPh.D.1984Tom Mitchell, Saul AmarelShift of Bias for Inductive Concept Learning
Paul UtgoffPh.D.1984Tom MitchellShift of Bias for Inductive Concept Learning
Susan Lynn EpsteinPh.D.1983N. S. SridharanKnowledge Representation in Mathematics: A Case Study in Graph Theory
John KastnerPh.D.1983Sholom WeissStrategies for Expert Consultation in Therapy Planning
Peter PolitakisPh.D.1983Sholom WeissUsing Empirical Analysis to Refine Expert System Knowledge Bases
Ravi SandhuPh.D.1983Naftaly MinskyDesign and Analysis of Protection Schemes Based on the Send-Receive Transport Mechanism
Ravinderpal SandhuPh.D.1983Naftaly MinskyDesign and Analysis of Protection Schemes Based on the Send-Receive Transport Mechanism
John B BowlesPh.D.1982Manfred RuschitzkaQueueing Systems and Networks with Symmetric Station Balance Solutions
Robert N GoldbergPh.D.1982Robert L. SmithSoftware Design Issues in the Architecture and Implementation of Distributed Text Editors
Barbara RyderPh.D.1982Marvin PaullIncremental Data Flow Analysis Based on a Unified Model of Elimination Algorithms
Barbara Gershon RyderPh.D.1982Marvin PaullIncremental Data Flow Analysis Based on a Unified Model of Elimination Algorithms
Donald E SmithPh.D.1982Robert L. SmithFOCUSER: A Strategic Interaction Paradigm for language Acquisition
Asser N TantawiPh.D.1982Manfred RuschitzkaPerformance Analysis of Rollback Recovery Systems and Breakdown Queueing Networks
Yi-Ling Fan ChiangPh.D.1981Michael MockNumerical Experiments for Solving Symmetric Hyperbolic systems with Discontinuous Initial Data
John FrancoPh.D.1981Marvin PaullSensitivity to Instance Distribution of the Average Complexity of Algorithms for Solving Satisfiability and other NP-Hard Proble
John FrancoPh.D.1981Marvin PaullSensitivity to Instance Distribution of the Average Complexity of Algorithms for Solving Satisfiability and other NP-Hard Probl
Venkataraman NatarajanPh.D.1981Ann YasuharaDecidability of the Purely Existential Fragment of the Theory of Term-Algebras
Bobbie Ann Fredsall OthmerPh.D.1981Robert L. SmithRestructuring COBOL Programs to Improve Readability
Victor CiesielskiPh.D.1980Robert L. SmithA Methodology for the Construction of Natural Language Front Ends for Medical Consultation Systems
David SandfordPh.D.1979Chitoor SrinivasanHL-Resolution: A Semantic Refinement of Resolution and a Theory of Model Specification
Lawrence A WelschPh.D.1979Ann YasuharaASQ: Automatic Synthesis of Questions
Paul E MurphyPh.D.1978Marvin PaullMinimum Comparison Merging and Merging Algorithms
Michael TrigoboffPh.D.1978Casimir KulikowskiIRIS: A Framework for the Construction of Clinical Consultation Systems
Elaine WeyukerPh.D.1977Ann YasuharaProgram Schemas with Semantic Restrictions
Christian J WildPh.D.1977Richard LeFaivreThe Early Stages of Machine Perception: An Application to Reading Machines
Sholom WeissPh.D.1974Casimir KulikowskiA System for Model-Based Computer-Aided diagnosis and Therapy
Philip A JohnsonPh.D.1973Fred G. FenderA Class of Real-Time Virtual Memory Systems: A Multi-Faceted Approach to Computer System Design