- Contact Module: Undergraduate Contact, Graduate Contact
- Ulrich Kremer
- Professor, Department Chair
- Website: Personal Website
- Email Address:
- Phone: (848)445-8318
- Research Group(s):
- Linked News Items:
- Kremer receives NSF CSR grant
- Nguyen, Bhattacharjee, Kremer, Parashar, and Rodero receive NSF CRI grant
- Prof. Kannan and Prof. Kremer's awarded the NSF grant for their project titled "Redesigning I/O Across Heterogeneous Systems"
- Prof. Kannan, Prof. Kremer, and Prof. Nguyen receive NSF award; "A Unified Monitoring Approach to Enhancing the Security and Resiliency of Hazard Workflows on Heterogeneous Infrastructures."
- Office: Core 318