- Desheng Zhang
- Associate Professor
- Website: Personal Website
- Email Address:
- Phone: (848)445-8307
- Research Group(s):
- Linked News Items:
- Best Paper Award to Prof. Desheng Zhang
- Prof. Metaxas and Prof. Desheng Zhang Awarded $1.5 Million NSF Smart City Grant to improve Micromobility Safety in collaboration with Rutgers Bloustein School
- Prof. Desheng Zhang receives NSF CAREER Award
- Prof. Desheng Zhang receives NSF Grant for his project on Mobile Cyber Physical Systems
- Professors Desheng Zhang and Dimitris Metaxas receive NSF Grant for their project on Data Synthesis for Smart City Applications
- Professors Zhang and Metaxas receive NSF Smart and Autonomous Systems Award
- Office: Core 307