Availability and Consistency in Internet Services

Professors: Richard Martin, Thu Nguyen.
Time: Tuesdays 3:00PM-4:00PM
Room: Core A (core 301)

As the Internet becomes a pervasive technology, we will become increasingly dependent upon it. As with all infrastructure technologies, such as the water, voice, highway, and power grids, Internet services will require high availability, and predictability and long term stability. The ultimate goal is to make Internet services as pervasive and reliable as other utilities.

This is a "light" 1 credit seminar to introduce students to the field of Internet Services. See Valantine Rolfe for the course control number.Grading will be based on class participation.
Discussion will center around the following topics:

Reading List:

Topic Overview and Case Studies:

Week1 (9/05): No class


Author: Steven D. Gribble, Matt Welsh, Rob von Behren, Eric A. Brewer, David Culler, N. Borisov, S. Czerwinski, R. Gummadi, J. Hill, A. Joseph, R.H. Katz, Z.M. Mao, S. Ross, and B. Zhao.
Title: The Ninja Architecture for Robust Internet-Scale Systems
URL: http://ninja.cs.berkeley.edu/dist/papers/ninja.ps.gz
Presenter: Rich Martin

Week3 (09/19):
Author: Eric Brewer
Title: Lessons from Giant-Scale Services.
URL: http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/~rmartin/teaching/fall00A/Giant.pdf
Presenter: Bin Zhang

Author: William Bolosky Robert P. Fitzgerald and John Douceur
Title: The Tiger Video Fileserver
URL: http://www.research.microsoft.com/research/os/bolosky/sosp/tigersosp.ps
Presenter: Jaewon Kang

Author: Joel Bartlett, Wendy Bartlett, Richard Carr, Dave Garcia, Jim Gray, Robert Horst, Robert Jardine, Doug Jewett, Dan Lenoski, and Dix McGuire
Title: The Tandem Case, from Reliable Computer Systems, (Chapter 8, handed out in class)
URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/156881092X/o/qid=967584458/sr=8-1/ref=aps_sr_b_1_3/103-7227767-5665430
Presenter: Nan Tu

Empirical Observations:

Author: M. Kalyanakrishnam, Z. Kalbarczyk, R. Iyer
Title: Failure Data Analysis of LAN of Windows NT Based Computers,
URL: http://en.crhc.uiuc.edu/~kalbar/papers/SRDS99_NT_final.pdf
Presenter: Atul Karaujia

Nisha Talagala and David Patterson.
Title: An Analysis of Error Behaviour in a Large Storage System.
URL: http://now.cs.berkeley.edu/Td/Papers/postscript/csd-99-1042.ps
Presenter: Akhilesh Sascena

Fault Modeling and Planning:

Week8 (10/24):
Author: Jerome H. Saltzer, David P. Reed, and David D. Clark
Title: End-To-End Arguments In System Design (1984)
URL: http://people.qualcomm.com/karn/library.html
Presenter: JianKuan Ye

Week9 (10/31):
Author:Stephen McConnel and Daniel P. Siewiorek
Title: Reliable Computer Systems (chapter 5, handed out in class).
URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/156881092X/o/qid=967584458/sr=8-1/ref=aps_sr_b_1_3/103-7227767-5665430
Presenter: Yang Ni

Week10 (11/07):
Author: Satoshi Asami
Title: Reducing the Cost of System Administration of a Disk Storage System Built from Commodity Components (Chapter 6 only)
URL: http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Dienst/UI/2.0/Describe/ncstrl.ucb/CSD-00-1100
Presenter: Wenxuan Zhang

Week11 (11/14):
No class

Week12 (11/21):
Author: Robert V. White
Title: Six Sigma with Design Example
URL (RU sites only): http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/~rmartin/teaching/fall99/papers/sixsigma.pdf
Presenter: Eduardo Pinheiro

Object Consistency:

Week13 (11/28):
Author: Yasushi Satio and Henry Levy
Title: Optimistic Replication for Internet Data Services
URL: http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/yasushi/disc.ps.gz
Presenter: Rong Zhang

Week14 (12/5)
Author: Miguel Castro and Barbara Liskov
Title: Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance
URL: http://www.pmg.lcs.mit.edu/~castro/osdi99_html/osdi99.html
Presenter: Kiran Nagaraja

Virtual library on recent work in Scalable Internet Services

Excellent Practical Advice:

Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing
Main URL and Readings


Porcupine project at Univ. of Washington
Main URL:and the Excellent reading list

Design and Validation of Reliable Networked Systems project at Illinois:
Main URL and Readings

RAIN project at Cal Tech
Main URL: and Readings

Ninja project at UC Berkeley:
Main URL and Readings


Advanced Topics in Internet Technologies and Systems at Stanford
Main URL and Readings

Principles of Fault Tolerant Computing at UC Berkeley:
Main URL and Readings

Advanced Topics in Computer Science: Scalable Internet Services and Infrastructure at Princeton:
Main URLand Readings

Scalable Internet Services and Systems at UC Santa Barbara
Main URL and Readings  Spring Semester Version Main URL and Readings

Internet Technologies and their System Support at Rutgers
Main URL and Readings

System Services for the World Wide Web at UC San Diego
Mail URL and Readings