Rick Crispin

Links To:

* New House Photos *

* Christmas 1998 Photos of Paul & Quentin *

I oversee Terminal Repair for the LCSR Computing Facility Terminals@cs.rutgers.edu.

The Crispin Family !!!

Paul A. Crispin

Quentin J. Crispin

with cool hat in hospital

being held by big brother Paul

Born July, 1995

Born October, 1998

11 pounds 4 ounces, 22.5 inches long

9 pounds 5 ounces, 22.25 inches long

Halloween - October 31, 1995 Bath time - (can we say blackmail!!!)

Going on a trip ? -

Early 1996

Having Fun in the SNOW !!!
February, 1996

My THIRD Baby !!! -

Early 1965

Having Fun at the SHOW !!!
May, 1996