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Qualifying Exam
2/4/2020 01:00 pm
CoRE 301

OOGAN: Disentangling GAN with One-Hot Sampling and Orthogonal Regularization

Bingchen Liu, Department of Computer Science

Examination Committee: Ahmed Elgammal (Advisor), Gerard De Melo, Yongfeng Zhang, He Zhu (outside member)


Exploring the potential of GANs for unsupervised disentanglement learning, we propose a novel GAN-based disentanglement framework with One-Hot Sampling and Orthogonal Regularization (OOGAN). While previous works mostly attempt to tackle disentanglement learning through VAE and seek to implicitly minimize the Total Correlation (TC) objective with approximation methods, we show that GANs have a natural advantage in disentangling with an alternating latent variable (noise) sampling method, which is straightforward and robust. Furthermore, we provide a brand-new perspective on designing the structure of the generator and discriminator, demonstrating that a minor structural change and an orthogonal regularization on model weights entails an improved disentanglement. Instead of experimenting on simple toy datasets, we conduct experiments on higher-resolution images and show that OOGAN greatly pushes the boundary of unsupervised disentanglement.