A team from WINLAB received the best paper award for their paper "Visible light based activity sensing using ceiling photosensors" at the ACM Workshop on Visible Light Communication Systems (VLCS) held with the ACM MobiCom 2016 conference in New York, in October 2016. The team comprising graduates students Viet Nguyen (ECE), Mohamed Ibrahim (CS), Siddharth Rupavatharam (ECE) and Minitha Jawahar (ECE) was advised by Professors Marco Gruteser and Rich Howard.
Viet Nguyen and Mohamed Ibrahim are joint first authors of the paper. Prof. Marco Gruteser from ECE is a graduate faculty in the CS department.
The work in the paper explores the feasibility of tracking motion and activities of humans using visible light sensors embedded in ceiling lights. It employs communication among light bulbs to coordinate signaling and sensitive difference measurement techniques to detect and infer motion from shadows cast on the floor.
Congratulations to the WINLAB team!