Congratulations to Prof. Santosh Nagarakatte, who has just received an unrestricted research gift from Intel Corporation for the year 2017-2018. The gift, for an amount of $75000, funds his research in the area of “Pragmatic abstractions, techniques, and tools for LLVM verification”. This award supports Prof. Nagarakatte's project on lightweight formal tools for LLVM verification. Prof. Nagarakatte's papers on this project have been awarded the ACM SIGPLAN 2015 PLDI Distinguished Paper Award and ACM SIGSOFT 2016 ICSE Distinguished Paper Award. The paper from this project have also been recognized as SIGPLAN Research Highlights Paper and Communications of the ACM Research Highlights Paper. This award supports further enhancements to the Alive-NJ prototype to enhance precondition inference and reason about the correctness of floating point optimizations.
Prof. Santosh Nagarakatte awarded Intel Grant for 2017-2018
- Referenced People:
Santosh Nagarakatte