The department is pleased to announce the addition of four new tenure-track assistant professors and two non-tenure-track teaching faculty members, starting in Fall 2015.
The newly-recruited tenure-track assistant professors are:
1. Abdeslam Boularias, whose expertise is in Data Science, Machine Learning and Human Robot Interaction. He holds a Ph.D. degree from Laval University and is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. His webpage:
2) Pranjal Awasthi, whose expertise is in Data Science and Machine Learning.
He holds a Ph.D. degree from Carnegie Mellon University, and is now a post-doctoral researcher at Princeton University. His webpage:
3) Jingjin Yu, whose expertise is in Distributed Robotics, Planning, Control theory and High Performance Algorithms with applications toward situational awareness, system verification. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, and is currently a post-doctoral researcher at MIT. His webpage:
4) Kostantinos Michmizos, whose expertise is in Computational Neuroscience with emphasis on computational behaviors, rehabilitation robotics and games. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the National Technical University of Athens, and is currently a post-doctoral researcher at MIT and Massacheusetts General Hospital of Harvard Medical School. His webpage:
The two new non-tenure track faculty members, who will contribute to the department’s teaching and education goals are:
1) James Abello, who is currently a Research Professor at the DIMACS Center. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the University of California at San Diego, and his research expertise is in External Memory Algorithms, Data Graph Mining, Relational Learning and Visualization of Massive Data Sets. His webpage:
2) Ana Paula Centeno, currently a Ph.D. candidate in our department. Her research expertise is in management of power, energy and temperature on data centers, parallel processing, file server security through access control, encryption and user authentication, and wireless networks. Her webpage:
Abdeslam Boularias
Pranjal Awasthi
Konstantinos Michmizos
Jingjin Yu
James Abello
Ana Paula Centeno
New faculty additions.
- Referenced People:
James Abello Monedero
Abdeslam Boularias
Ana Paula Centeno
Konstantinos Michmizos
Jingjin Yu