• Konstantinos Michmizos

Konstantinos Michmizos wins the NIH K Career Development Award on Neurorehabilitation Robotics. The NIH K Awards are given to Professors who have demonstrated abilities to become leaders in their field. The K Career Award ($250K, 2 years) will enable Konstantinos to combine Biological and Artificial Learning, in collaboration with Hermano Igo Krebs (MIT), Amy J. Bastian (JHU), and Matti Hamalainen (Harvard Medical School).

The overarching goal of Konstantinos's proposal is to systematically co-develop new methods and technology to personalize neurorehabilitation robots. Given the novel hypotheses, approach, expected findings, and potential for translation, the proposed research will enable further studies on the neural underpinnings of learning as well as contribute to developing intervention procedures that personalize recovery, further expanding the residual capacity for neuroplasticity for people in need.