• Rutgers spelled out in hedges

In partnership with DIMACS and the Douglass Residential College, the Rutgers Computer Science department is excited to announce plans to develop a living-learning community for women in computer science at Rutgers. The program, open by application to female first-year students interested in majoring in computer science, includes a residential program as well as mentoring and co-curricular activities for the students, and is intended to enhance their success and increase the number of women computer science majors at Rutgers. Rebecca Wright (CS professor and DIMACS director), Thu Nguyen (CS professor and Associate Chair), Jane Stout (Director of the Computer Research Association’s Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline), and Elaine Zundl (Assistant Dean for the Douglass Project for Rutgers Women in Math, Science & Engineering) were recently awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation to create the program and carry out research on its effectiveness for the first two years of the program. The first cohort will be recruited during the next academic year for a start in Fall 2016.

The NSF’s page for the award is http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1504775.

A related Rutgers News story: http://news.rutgers.edu/news/rutgers-launch-computer-science-living-learning-community-women/20150802#.VcANrIrF9p8