• James Abello

A new network on Culture Analytics Network (CAN) has been established after it received support from the Danish Council for Independent Research. The network brings together applied mathematicians interested in culture analytics from the US and China, including James Abello from the Computer Science Department of Rutgers University, with Danish humanities researchers. The purpose of CAN is to propose a calculus of culture that circumvents a black box approach by identifying fundamental processes of culture through applications of concepts and state-of-the-art models from complexity science to big cultural data. The outcome of CAN will be essential for developing valid measures of culture’s impact on sociopolitical dynamics and for showcasing the potential of humanities domain expertise in the age of big data.


  • Jianbo Gao (Institute of Complexity Science and Big Data Technology, Guangxi University, China),
  • James Abello (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Rutgers University),
  • Anja Bechmann (Datalab, AU),
  • Andreas Roepstorff (IMC and Dept. of Clinical Medicine, AU),
  • Kristoffer L. Nielbo (IMC, AU).

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