• Heidelberg Laureate Forum logo

Congratulations to CS undergraduate student Ian Mertz, who has been selected to attend the 2016 Heidelberg Laureate Forum as a student participant. Selection to participate as a student in the Heidelberg Laureate Forums is highly competitive, and participants are selected from a world-wide pool of applicants. Only the 200 most qualified young researchers are granted the opportunity to experience the unique atmosphere of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, from September 18-23 in Heidelberg, Germany. The Heidelberg Laureate Forum student selection committee usually selects graduate students to attend the Forum, and it is an unusual honor for an undergraduate student to be selected to participate.

The Heidelberg Laureate forum, currently in its fourth edition in 2016, brings together winners of the Abel prize, the Fields medal, the Nevanlinna prize and the Turing award. These are the most prestigious awards in the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science. The intended purpose of the forum is to bring together many laureates, together with about 200 promising young researchers who are students or postdocs. In many ways, the Heidelberg Laureate forum is to Mathematics and Computer Science as is the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings to the other sciences, which serve as a forum to bring together Nobel Laureates and rising students and postdocs working in those sciences.