Rutgers is proud to announce the 4th annual NJ Computer Science Summit on Diversity and Scalability on November 1st, 2019. Prior summits have provided opportunities for stakeholders from a variety of backgrounds to participate in a dialogue regarding the state of computer science education in New Jersey. As we continue to see growth in undergraduate CS programs, and increased interest in secondary CS, this summit offers an opportunity for conversations among New Jersey 4- and 2-year college faculty, K-12 teachers and administrators, representatives from industry, the NJ Department of Education and other government offices. As in past summits, we plan on a schedule that includes dynamic guest speakers, discussion panels, and breakout sessions.
Date: November 1
Time: 8:00AM to 4:30PM
Location: Hill Center at Rutgers Busch Campus in New Brunswick
Cost: FREE and lunch provided thanks to the Rutgers Computer Science Department
Registration: Please register here by October 15th. Space is limited, so register early.
Keynote Speakers:
- Director Michael Geraghty – NJ Chief Information Security Officer
- Dr. Leigh Ann Delyser –Co-founder and Executive Director of CSforAll
Sampling of some of the the breakout sessions. The schedule is still being finalized and more to be added based on interest by the registrants.
Working Partnerships (Higher Ed and K-12) for CS Education
Engaging student in larger classes
CS 0/1: Where are we now? Where are we going?
CS Minors for non-STEM majors?
Building cybersecurity programs
Free standards-based curricula for 9-12
Strategic Planning Tool for School Districts
CS Professionals as Volunteers in the Classroom
Big Data, Data Science: Where does it fit? Who is it for?
Hiring process and competencies - Google
Teaching CS to ELL (English Language Learner) students
College Board: AP CS Principles and AP CS A Updates
CS initiatives in large school districts (NYC and Newark)
2019 NJ CS Summit at Rutgers - Please share this flier
Register here:
If you have any questions contact Fran Trees