CS Events

Computer Science Department Colloquium

Towards a Science of Human-AI Teams


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Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 10:30am - 11:30am


Speaker: Valerie Chen


Valerie is a Machine Learning Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University. Her research aims to improve human-AI interactions through a use-case-grounded lens and to leverage insights from practical user studies to design new interactive systems. Her research sits at the intersection of ML, NLP, and HCI. Valerie is a recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, a former intern at MSR’s Fairness, Accountability, Transparency & Ethics in AI group, and a Rising Star in Data Science. Valerie completed her B.S. in Computer Science at Yale University.

Location : CoRE 301

Event Type: Computer Science Department Colloquium

Abstract: AI models have the potential to support and complement human decision-makers and users. And yet, the deployment of human-AI teams still faces practical challenges. I’m interested in developing a more principled workflow for building human-AI teams. In particular, this talk will focus on answering two questions: (1) what the right evaluation paradigms are to measure team performance, and (2) what are interaction mechanisms that can facilitate the appropriate usage of AI support. I will discuss how existing ML/NLP literature has attempted to answer each of these questions, their limitations, and promising alternatives.

Contact  Professor Yongfeng Zhang

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