CS Events
Qualifying ExamExploring Structured Noise for Private Data Release |
Friday, May 10, 2024, 11:00am - 12:30pm |
Speaker: Prathamesh Dharangutte
Location : CoRE 305
Professor Jie Gao
Assistant Professor Sumegha Garg
Assistant Professor Peng Zhang
Assistant Professor Mridul Aanjaneya
Event Type: Qualifying Exam
Abstract: Differential privacy has become the de-facto standard for ensuring privacy in applications that deal with sensitive data. Oftentimes, practical deployments of differentially private algorithms demand additional control on the private output of algorithms. I will talk about our work that focuses on providing algorithms when additional such properties are required from the private algorithms without relying on post-processing. The first problem considers releasing private histograms with invariant constraints for integer valued data. We introduce a new privacy notion, called integer subspace differential privacy, and propose mechanisms with integer valued noise that respect specified constraints on the histogram for both pure and approximate differential privacy. The second problem considers answering differentially private range queries with consistency and transparency imposed on the query output. Consistency intuitively means that multiple query answers do not immediately introduce contradiction with each other and transparency asks for the distribution of introduced noises to be available in closed forms. Our mechanism consists of a carefully constructed covariance matrix for answering queries with input perturbation. We give an algorithm that samples from this noise distribution in linear time and show that we obtain optimal $\ell_2$ error and near optimal $\ell_\infty$ error. Both problems are motivated from application of differential privacy to the release of 2020 U.S. Decennial Census.
Contact Professor Jie Gao