CS Events


Tractability Frontiers in Coordinated Motion Planning


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Tuesday, April 16, 2024, 03:30pm


Speaker: Tzvika Geft - https://sites.google.com/view/tzvikageft/home


Coordinating the motion of multiple moving bodies is a challenging task arising in robotics and mobility, also drawing great theoretical interest. Although many motion coordination problems are known to be computationally hard, pinpointing the exact boundaries between efficiently solvable and intractable problem variants is a longstanding challenge. In this talk, I will give an overview of our results that address this challenge for Assembly Planning, Multi-Agent Path Finding, and related problems. Our work provides algorithmic and hardness results that resolve open problems and elucidate the structures and parameters that govern tractability. I will also discuss the implications of these results for further algorithmic developments.


Tzvika Geft is a PhD candidate at the School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, where he is a member of the Computational Geometry Lab led by Prof. Dan Halperin. He is interested in algorithmic and computational challenges in planning for robotics, mobility, and related multi-agent settings. Previously he completed BSc and MSc degrees in Computer Science at Tel Aviv University. He has received a Dean’s teaching excellence award from the Faculty of Engineering at Tel Aviv University and scholarships from Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center and the Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center.

Hosts: Kostas Bekris and Jingjin Yu

Location: SPR-402, 1 Spring Street

Zoom information:

Meeting URL: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/93382076844?pwd=LzRIcDZ6alcwMHdkWkZiNFhhS2pBUT09&from=addon

Meeting ID: 933 8207 6844

Password: 090552


Event Type: Seminar