CS Events

Computer Science Department Colloquium

Building Networked Systems & Protocols for Terabit Ethernet


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Tuesday, March 26, 2024, 10:30am - 12:00pm


Speaker: Qizhe Cai


Qizhe Cai is a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department at Cornell University, advised by Prof. Rachit Agarwal. His research lies at the intersection of networking and operating systems, with a focus on building efficient network systems and protocols to exploit the benefits of Terabit Ethernet. He was awarded the Meta Fellowship in 2022.

Location : CoRE 301

Event Type: Computer Science Department Colloquium

Abstract: Datacenter servers will soon have Terabit Ethernet. However, design of host network stacks that are able to fully exploit the benefits of Terabit Ethernet hardware remains elusive.In this talk, I will first present insights from an in-depth study on understanding fundamental limitations of existing network stacks in terms of exploiting the benefits of Terabit hardware. I will then present NetChannel, a new host network stack architecture that enables elastic allocation and scheduling of host resources across applications, enabling many previously unachievable operating points (e.g., single-threaded applications to saturate multi-hundred gigabit links). I will also discuss how my recent work has led to a myriad of new questions on redesigning network protocols, stacks, and hardware for Terabit Ethernet.

Contact  Professor Srinivas Narayana

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