CS Events

Qualifying Exam

Techniques for Increasing the Efficiency of Physics Simulation


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Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 02:00pm - 04:00pm


Speaker: Alon Flor

Location : CBIM #22


Assistant Professor Mridul Aanjaneya

Professor Santosh Nagarakatte

Associate Professor Abdeslam Boularias

Assistant Professor Roie Levin

Event Type: Qualifying Exam

Abstract: This work focuses on methods for improving the efficiency of simulations of 3D tetrahedral meshes representing elastic solids. These kinds of simulations are used in computer graphics for stretch/squash animations, as well as in engineering to simulate the elastic deformation of materials. Our general-purpose method speeds up such simulations, so that for any given level of processing capacity, one can simulate larger and more complicated models in a shorter period of time.Our approach focuses on reformulating mesh data for greater cache efficiency. It is much faster to access data from a cache than from memory, so whenever a datum is needed, it is better to have it in the cache than to access it from memory. When a mesh datum is called by the physics engine, its neighbors in the data are loaded into the cache as well. Since certain vertices and mesh elements are called together in the simulation code, we reorder the mesh data so that they are listed together in memory. If mesh data that are called together are listed together, they will be loaded together into the cache, and there will be a smaller chance of cache misses and page faults in the process of executing the algorithms. We identified remarkable speedups using this setup for two separate elastic solid physics simulation engines.

Contact  Assistant Professor Mridul Aanjaneya