CS Events
Computer Science Department ColloquiumGeometry, Arithmetic and Computation of Polynomials |
Thursday, January 25, 2024, 10:30am - 11:30am |
Speaker: Akash Kumar Sengupta
Akash Kumar Sengupta is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mathematics and a member of the Algorithms & Complexity group at the University of Waterloo. Previously, he was a J. F. Ritt Assistant Professor at Columbia University. He received his PhD in Mathematics from Princeton University in 2019, advised by János Kollár. He is broadly interested in theoretical computer science, algebraic geometry, number theory and their interconnections. In particular, his research in algebraic complexity theory has focused on the Polynomial Identity Testing (PIT) problem. Two prominent highlights of his research are: the solution to Gupta’s radical Sylvester-Gallai conjecture for obtaining PIT algorithms, and the solution to the geometric consistency problem of Manin’s conjecture.
Location : CoRE 301
Event Type: Computer Science Department Colloquium
Abstract: Polynomials are ubiquitous in various branches of mathematics and sciences ranging from computer science to number theory. A remarkable phenomenon is that the algebraic-geometric properties of polynomials govern their arithmetic and computational behavior. As a result, algebraic-geometric techniques have led to exciting progress towards fundamental problems in complexity theory and number theory. I’ll begin with an overview of my research in these areas, including the problems of counting rational solutions and efficient computation of polynomials. Then, we will dig deeper into the Polynomial Identity Testing (PIT) problem, a central problem in computational complexity. PIT has applications to a wide range of problems, such as circuit lower bounds, perfect matching and primality testing. In this talk, I’ll discuss an algebraic-geometric approach towards polynomial-time deterministic algorithms for PIT via Sylvester-Gallai configurations. In particular, we will see that dimension bounds on SG-configurations yield poly-time PIT algorithms. I’ll talk about my work on the geometry of SG-configurations, showing that radical SG-configurations are indeed low-dimensional, as conjectured by Gupta in 2014.
Contact Prof. Mario Szegedy