CS Events
Computer Science Department ColloquiumDivide-and-conquer quantum computing with graphical models |
Thursday, December 14, 2023, 01:00pm - 02:30pm |
Speaker: Yipeng Huang
Yipeng is an assistant professor of computer science at Rutgers University. His research work is in quantum and unconventional computer architectures. He is developing ways where reconfigurable classical computer hardware can aid critical tasks in realizing quantum computer control and simulation. His work has been recognized as top picks or honorable mentions in the computer architecture conferences in 2021, 2017, and 2016.
Location : CoRE 301
Event Type: Computer Science Department Colloquium
Abstract: Quantum circuit cutting is an attractive strategy for expanding the capabilities of current quantum computers. The idea is to decompose quantum programs into smaller fragments which do fit on existing prototypes, and then use classical high-performance computing to recombine the results. As identified in some recent prior work, the challenge in realizing such a strategy is in solving three related problems: 1) Deciding how to cut up the circuit, 2) Running the circuit fragments efficiently on limited-capacity quantum prototype computers, and 3) Recombining the results as efficiently as possible despite the fact that the cost of recombination scales exponentially relative to the number cuts.Our group previously explored using probabilistic graphical models (e.g., Bayesian networks, Markov networks) as flexible and correct models for quantum circuit simulation and modelling of correlated errors. Our group also explored using advanced PGM inference techniques based on algebraic model counting (AMC) on decomposable negation normal forms (DNNFs) to simulate quantum circuits. In this work, we observe that the quantum circuit cutting and recombination approach is mathematically identical to transforming PGMs to factor graphs, and then performing exact inference on the factor graphs. This observation, in combined with the AMC approach, provides new and powerful techniques in each of the three tasks above to realize quantum circuit cutting and recombination.
Contact Professor Ulrich Kremer