CS Events

Qualifying Exam

Leveraging Powerful Attention Mechanisms for Biological Image Segmentation


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Thursday, April 27, 2023, 04:00pm - 06:00pm


Abstract: The application of advanced attention mechanisms, originally designed for natural language processing and computer vision, has consistently delivered outstanding performance in diverse tasks across different data modalities. Its adaptability, long-range dependency capturing ability, and good parallelism capability make it well-suited for enhancing the accuracy and completeness of automated image analysis, particularly in the domain of biological image segmentation. In this presentation, we will delve into two innovative approaches, both of which leverage attention mechanisms to effectively tackle the challenges associated with merging multi-view imaging information and improving segmentation mask accuracy and completeness. These works showcase novel strategies for addressing the complexities of automated image analysis, with the ultimate objective of elevating diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. Experiment results across multiple datasets corroborate the effectiveness of our models in improving image segmentation quality.

Speaker: Qilong Zhangli

Location : CoRE 305


Professor Dimitris Metaxas (Chair)

Professor Konstantinos Michmizos

Professor Yongfeng Zhang

Professor Aaron Bernstein


Event Type: Qualifying Exam

Abstract: See above


Rutgers University

School of Arts & Sciences

Department of Computer Science


Contact  Professor Dimitris Metaxes