CS Events

Computer Science Department Colloquium

Matrix Factorization on GPU: A Tale of Two Algorithms


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Tuesday, March 07, 2017, 02:00pm


Attendees will be introduced to
cuMF, a CUDA-based matrix
factorization library that
accelerates both ALS and SGD to
solve very large-scale MF. Please
join us to hear about lessons
learned in accelerating compute- and
memory-intensive kernels on

Speaker: Wei Tan


Wei Tan is a Research StaffMember at IBM T. J. WatsonResearch Center. His researchinterest includes big data,distributed systems, NoSQL andservices computing. Currently heworks on accelerating machinelearning algorithms using scale-up(e.g.

Location : CoRE Building- Room 701


Manish Parashar

Event Type: Computer Science Department Colloquium


IBM T. J. Watson Research Center