Hardware and Software Support for
Power and Energy Management

Class Information

This is a one credit course. We will meet every week for 60 minutes to discuss a single research paper. Participants are expected to give a single 30 minutes presentation on a selected research paper. We will meet on Thursdays at 12:00pm (noon) in CoRE B .

This page will have links to the research papers if they are electronically available. If you have any questions regarding this light seminar, please contact Prof. Uli Kremer (uli@cs.rutgers.edu). The links to online versions of the papers were provided by Chung-Hsing Hsu. Thanks!

Invited Speaker

Mahmut Kandemir, Penn State University, December 6, 2000

Title: Energy Estimation and Optimization
( part1.pdf , part2.pdf , part3.pdf )

Computing devices for mobile and resource-constrained (embedded) environments are becoming the fastest growing market segment for the computer industry, even out-pacing corporate desktop, small office, and home computer sales. Energy efficiency is an obvious requirement for such devices. On the other hand, increasing clock frequencies make energy efficiency an important issue for even high-performance computing.

In this talk, I will give a summary of the recent work done at Penn State by the Microsystems Design Group on energy estimation and optimization. I will start with an energy estimation simulator and discuss the energy models employed in the simulator. Then, I will present several example uses of the simulator: evaluating current architectures, evaluating energy-conscious hardware components, the tradeoffs between hardware and software optimizations, and studying widely-used compiler optimizations from an energy viewpoint.

The last part of the talk will consist of a discussion of energy behavior of Java programs. I will give the detailed energy breakdown of the Java Virtual Machine, and discuss which parts of the architecture consumes what percentage of the energy during execution.


Last updated by Ulrich Kremer at 4:30pm on February 6, 2001